The beginning:Imposter Syndrome

The beginning:Imposter Syndrome

A Frontend Developer’s Heart to Heart

Hey there! beginning this blog to document my journey and basically express my experiences, self-doubt, achievements and projects I’ll be working on. Somewhat like my journal and point of reference for someone going through almost the same thing. That being said, let’s get into it!

Imposter Syndrome

What’s that? you may ask. To me that’s when you down play your achievements to an insignificant level or when you don’t have the ability to assess your skills and competence. It’s an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be, as if you are a fraud.

Anyways, that’s how I feel right now. When I see some projects and check out their code, I always wonder, “Why don’t I know this?” “Haven’t I learnt this?” “Why can’t I apply it like this person?” and so on. These questions get me so overwhelmed that I begin to wonder, “Am I really cut out for this career?” “Do I have what it takes?”

That’s when self-doubt creeps in. I allow it in, not going to lie, but then, I almost immediately remind myself that everything in life is a journey, there has to be a beginning for an end to exist. You have to climb the staircase from down-up to get to the top and not vice versa.

Most of the time you have to be the one to pick yourself up and remind yourself, that years ago you couldn’t do what you have achieved right now. It’s okay to feel a certain way and feel you have to do more, but channel that emotion positively, remember it’s not your reality it’s just a feeling.

Reality is: YOU have accomplished much more from when you started till now. YOU have written much better and cleaner code compared to when you started out. YOU have grasped way more concepts than when you started learning . YOU are doing great! it’s your journey, love every part of it good or bad, each experience comes with a lesson.

Also remember you’re not alone, it’s normal to doubt yourself , but don’t allow it to consume you, channel that energy towards your creativity and build a project you felt you couldn’t create. Surprise yourself!

This ended up being a motivational article, haha. I am literally just starting out and I have my clueless moments. This is what goes through my mind, most of the time. I really hope this article gave you a little positivity/ motivation to continue doing YOU gracefully and not to compare your journey, as it did I.

I hope you enjoyed this read, it was truly from the heart! <3